Seorang Pria Pedofil Ditangkap Karena Mengaku Sebagai Justin Bieber


photo credit: justinbieberzone


Seorang pria asal Inggris ber-umur 35tahun bernama Robert Hunter divonis di penjara 14tahun karena mengaku-ngaku sebagai Justin Bieber di sebuah situs online dan mengirimi orang-orang video sekskual yang rata-rata korbannya adalah anak-anak dan remaja.


Polisi telah menyelidiki kasus ini dan mendapatkan informasi bahwa Robert telah melakukan kegiatan ini sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Selain mengaku sebagai Justin Bieber di situs online-nya, dia juga beraksi dalam dunia nyata. Korbannya juga merupakan anak-anak dan remaja, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Darisitu dapat disimpulkan bahwa laki-laki ini mengidap pedofil dan bisexual (tertarik pada 2 jenis).







by admin Yussy.

Unknown Songs

Halo, sudahkah kamu makan ati hari ini?

Belum? Ya udah good, mending makan rendang guys.

Well, kita semua tau Justin suka nulis lagu, dimanapun kapanpun. Mungkin saking seringnya pas lagi tidur dia nulis lagu gitu ya sambil merem uhuhuhu apa sih jayus tambunan banget adminnya.

Back to topic. Nah, kalian tau nggak sih kalo nggak semua lagu yang Justin tulis itu dimasukkin atau digabungkan dalam album? Ada beberapa lagu yang nggak dimasukkin ke album loh, tau nggak apa aja? Here it is, (diantaranya):


-Wind It (feat Tory Lanez)

-Omaha Mall (feat Ryan Good)

-Won’t Stop (feat Sean Kingston)

-Shawty Lets Go feat Sean Kingston (sebenernya lagu ini belum selesai ditulis)

-Mamma’s Boy

-Speaking In Tongues

-Pick Me

-Latin Girl


-Dr. Bieber

-Rich Girl

-Kiss n’ Tell

Dan masih banyak lagi, nggak bisa disebutin satu-satu nanti kalian ngantuk uhuhuuh. Penasaran sama lagu-lagunya? Cari aja di google, atau 4shared, hampir semuanya bisa di download kok di situs situs download lagu gitu 😀

Si maman lagi nyembelih, sekian dan terimakasih~~~~~ :*



Justin Bieber’s Voice Mail Featured on Selena Gomez’s New Song


Jelena-sh*t is getting real! Selena featured Justin’s voice mail on her new song ‘Love Will Remember’. This is what Justin say during his voicemail:

Hey babe it’s me,

I just wanted to call to tell you thatI love you so so so so much

Just wanted to let you know that you are my princess

You are worthy of all of the love in the world

You are the love of my life.


[Justin’s voicemail is on the beginning]


Kalian masih inget Avalanna? Gadis kecil nggak berdosa yang mengidap penyakit kanker, dan sekarang udah ada di sisi-Nya?:’) kalian masih inget saat-saat Justin nangis di tengah konser setelah kepergian Avalanna?:’) sejujurnya gue gak mau kejadian itu terulang lagi, gue gak mau liat Justin sedih gara-gara ditinggal seseorang yang dia sayang:’) *tisu mana tisu* tapi gue rasa, mau nggak mau kejadian itu harus terulang lagi:’) ceelah sinetron amat ya hidup gue daritadi emotnya nangis mulu.

Yep, so ladies and gentlemen, meet the beautiful Makayla! A belieber who has brain cancer…Image

Ya ampun dia masih unyil begitu kenapa cobaannya harus berat coba yaaaah:”(

Jadi, Makayla ini tuh nge-fans sama Justin. Waktu dia tau Justin bakal konser di LA, dia minta sama papanya buat beliin dia tiket nonton Believe Tour. Foto diatas, Makayla keliatan lagi ngeliatin sesuatu di bawah kan? Nah, yg di bawah itu (yg diliatin Makayla) adalah  stage konsernya Justin. Dari tempat Makayla berdiri itu, satu arena keliatan semua darisitu dan Makayla ceritanya lagi ngukur seberapa jauh dia dari stage-nya Justin. Tapi sih kalo gasalah Makayla ada di row 3 seats 12 (kalo gasalah yaaa) dan lumayan deket dari stage :’D

Back to the story. Jadi si Makayla dateng ke konser sama papanya, dan beli tiket M&G juga. Sooo, here’s the pic!Image
Makayla keliatan malu-malu yaaa :b

Dan katanyaaa, habis M&G Makayla sempet nangis dan nggak mau ninggalin arena konser saking bahagianya :’D I’m glad she finally met Justin. She totally deserves it! Kita do’ain ya semoga Makayla kuat ngadepin kanker otaknya:’) I knew she was a strong girl!



Justin dan Selena Gomez Putus (Lagi) Gara-gara Miley Cyrus?


Siapa sih yang nggak kenal sama Miley Ray Cyrus, si Hannah Montana yang unyu-unyu itu? Yeppp! Miley (yang terobsesi sama Justin) sekarang jadi deket loh sama Justin. Awalnya Miley emang suka ngebelain artis-artis yang diserang gossip ga bener, termasuk Justin. Gara-gara itu, lama kelamaan mereka jadi deket dan temenan, malah bikin party bareng.

Tapi, gara-gara pertemanan ini, katanya sih Selena (yang kabarnya balikan lagi sama Justin) jadi bener-bener muak. Selena emang ‘bukan’ fansnya Miley dengan alasan tertentu. Buat yg smilers atau selenators, pasti tau deh alesannya kenapa 😛 ya walaupun Miley sama Justin cuma temen deket, ya namanya pacar juga gimana sih, coba kalo pacar lo dideketin cewe lain yg badai gitu, pasti marah kan–” #ngok #curhat

The point isssss, Jelena is 100% done! Selena cerita ke salah satu media massa, kalo dia udah bener-bener muak sama tingkahnya Justin yang istilahnya; udah dikasih kesempatan tapi di sia-siain lagi. Ditambah lagi pas Miley kerumah Justin dan Justin kerumah Miley kemarin trus party, ketawa bareng, bahkan bikin lagu bareng, tambah-tambah dah tuh kompornya–“

Seorang sumber dari Selena cerita ke RadarOnline: “It was already over with Justin, but seeing him hang out with Miley was the last straw for Selena. She’s not a Miley fan by any means and feels like Justin purposely did it just to piss her off. She’s completely severing ties with him now.”

Inti dari artinya sih, Selena tuh tadinya udah bisa nerima Justin apa adanya #haazek tapi pas ngeliat Justin sering hangout sama Miley gitu, Selena jadi mikir kalo Justin ngelakuin itu cuma biar Selena kesel atau cemburu gituhhh. Duh mba selena, kata pipih (biar imut kaya aurel) aku ga boleh suudzon lho:’)

Tapi yang namanya jodoh mah nggak kemana ya:’) kalo emang Justin-Selena jodoh, pasti bakal balik lagi (maunya gue sih nggak lololo peace bruh), tapi kalo emang nggak jodoh, semoga jodohnya gue:’) #tsaaah

Sekian infonya. Mau nanya-nanya lebih lanjut? Contact us:

Twitter: @JBIndonesia (atau klik linknya )

Facebook: Indonesia Bieber (atau klik linknya )




“I’m A Regular Kid” – Justin


Justin bilang kalo dia itu “A Regular Kid” di Interview-nya dengan Dubai newspaper

check the interviews


Do you ever wish you were just a regular kid?

I am a regular kid.

Well, not really…

You know what, as long as I keep thinking to myself and always remaining humble, I think that I am a regular kid and knowing that nothing is going to stop me from being who I am, then I’m going to be fine

How do you think you have stayed so down to earth?

Well, I keep the people that I grew up with, you know, Ryan, my friend, he’s always outside the room

Literally or metaphorically?

Both (laughs). He grew up with me. His dad was my football coach when I was like eight, so I think just being able to keep such close people around me. I mean, that’s what keeps me humble. He goes everywhere with me.


What do you think you would do if this career hadn’t exploded for you? Would you have gone on to study?

I don’t know. Like, I wasn’t good in school; I was okay in school, but I was not great. It wasn’t getting A’s, A’s, I was like Bs and Cs, so I like wasn’t really focused. I’m glad that this worked out (laughs)

Did you have a favourite subject?

I liked math, I liked English but like recently math got so hard that I hated math.

Favourite travel destination?


Any particular reason?

I like the culture and they are very, very nice. I like how they bow and take off their shoes when they go to someone’s house, it’s similar to Canada. In Canada we take off our shoes when we go to houses. In America, you just walk in with your dirty shoes all over the carpet.

You were obviously brought up well then.

Yeah, I guess so (laughs)

You are obviously very romantic and sensitive. How did you learn to be good at those areas of life at such a young age?

Sensitive and romantic…. I guess I grew up with my mom, so she influenced me a lot, so growing up and having your mom always around you, you become a sensitive guy. So I think there’s ups and downs to it.

Your lyrics are very romantic. What romantic things do you like doing?

I think that the most romantic things to do for someone are the things that you spend time on. Like having a picnic where you bring all the stuff they like. You make it something that she’s going to remember so she can tell all of her friends. Stuff she can say, ‘He did this for me!’ That’s great.

Do you think that romance is the guy’s responsibility?

I think it’s up to the guy to be romantic. I think it’s the guy’s responsibility to take her out. It can’t be the other way around. That would take away my masculinity; I feel if that would happen.

What do you think of the criticism about young artists doing covers of celebrities? There was some legal stuff about it a couple of years ago.

It’s silly. I always did covers and if people aren’t able to post videos of themselves doing their favourite songs, then that’s going to be really sad. That’s how I was discovered. That would really suck.

How do you feel when people have done versions of your stuff?

Oh, I love YouTubing videos of people singing my songs. I think it’s really sweet.

Do you work out much? Do you like training?

I don’t really do anything. I’m 19, so I eat a lot of junk food, [laughs] and I yell and scream and jump a lot, but once I’m older I’ll have to start to really take care of my body, and that’s when I’m going to start working out.

What advice would you give kids wanting to go into the business?

I would say just to keep going for it, I don’t know what else to say.

You’ve achieved so much professionally at such a young age, what are your personal goals? What would you like to achieve?

My personal goals are hopefully that I’ll be able to win a Grammy someday. If not whatever, but hopefully I’ll manage that goal.

What do you like to do when you’re in a relationship?

I like to just hang out, go to movies, relax.

I read in a newspaper that they say that you are more influential than Obama or the Dalai Llama, which is pretty incredible I thought. How do you feel when you read that kind of stuff?

I think it’s kind of amusing to think that but I don’t think that’s true. I think Obama and the Dalai Llama, they are very powerful people and if I am able to influence people in a positive way sometimes then I’ll be lucky.

You’ve been able to do a lot of good things with your fame, like your “It Gets Better Project”. Can you talk a little bit about that and how you came to be involved in that anti-bullying campaign?

You know, I think bullying is such a terrible thing because a lot of times bullies have been bullied, so it creates a chain so if you are bullied then maybe you will bully someone else. I think that people need to know that if someone is bullying you, tell someone, or if you are a bystander make sure to tell someone. Because you are just as bad the person bullying because you are standing by watching it happen.

Do you have any experience firsthand with that issue?

Yeah, I think that everybody has. It’s like, I’ve been bullied, I’ve seen it happen, and it happens so much. I think that people just have to be nice to one another, like when you are young you are trying to find yourself, people think it might make you feel good to bring someone else down. Young people can be mean at times, but I just encourage everyone to be nice to people because you never really know how much that other person might be hurting. They could be going home and crying. Some people, they put on a front at school and they seem strong, but inside those people are really hurting. So that seems sad to me.

You are obviously incredibly busy. What would a perfect day off be for you?

A perfect day off for me is like being able to just relax and not work, like nothing associated to my job, just being able to relax.

So is that sleeping in?

Yeah, I love sleeping in. Well, I sleep in generally, even if I’m working, I don’t do things like before eight o’clock ever, unless I have to. Even when I have to [laughs].

What would your fans be surprised to know about you?

My fans would be surprised to know that, I don’t know… I’m really kind of out there. I mean, there’s really nothing I’m hiding so they kind of know a lot about me, so there’s nothing really; the things that they don’t know, I don’t want them to know, so yeah [laughs]. That’s kind of funny.

How into fashion are you, and do you enjoy that part of your life?

I do like fashion, I’m not like a big, big huge into fashion, it’s something I like to do, and I like clothes, but I don’t take it too seriously.

So you wouldn’t be interested in having your own fashion line one day?

No, I’m not saying that. It can happen down the line but it’s not something I really focus my attention on. I’m a musician, so that’s what I do first.

You released a line of nail polish a couple of years ago. How did that idea come about?

[laughs] We did it for charity, we also did it because my fans, it’s not really my nail polish line, it was inspired by my music, so we have the purple like Never Say Never and so it was for all the girls.

You were great on Saturday Night Live recently — is acting something you’d like to pursue?

Yes, I mean I like acting a lot. It’s something that I like being able to play, a character that’s not me, so that’s always fun.

Who would you like to play you in a movie?

Nobody. I don’t want anybody to play me.

So what kinds of things do you like doing in your spare time?

I like playing sports. I’m an athlete, so I’ve been playing sports ever since I was really young. I love basketball, hockey, football…

How do you deal with all the crazy fans?

Crazy fans? My fans are very inspiring, for them to be so persistent and so driven, is something that I’m lucky to have.

When you were in Australia they had to close down a shopping mall because they were worried about security — do you remember that?

Yeah, I was supposed to do something, I was supposed to do a performance and there were so many kids, they had to like shut it down. The security wasn’t ready for it, and I tried to tell them that they needed to make sure everything was secure. They thought they had it, but they didn’t.

Saran Miley



holla guys:)

berita kali ini dateng dari Miley Cyrus yang ngasih saran buat Justin dalam berkarier di Hollywood, as you know Miley started her career before Justin do.

di sebuah interview dengan Elle di UK Magazine edisi bulan Juni 2013 Miley cerita gimana dia ngajarin Justin waktu di Premier Never Say Never di taun 2010.


dia menjelaskan:

i noticed He was taking all these photos of people and doing a lot of s*it, and I just grabbed him and said, “just take a snapshot in your brain of this moment, so you dont forget”.


dia ngasih saran ke Justin kaya gitu karena punya alesan, dia lupa akan premier film Hannah Montana-nya. jadi Miley gamau kalau Justin juga lupa momen-momen berharga kaya gitu.


ummm I always love their friendship. they support each other in many way:)